Joe’s mission is to help every player reach their absolute potential not only in golf, but in life. He believes that players need to be coached to maximize their mental and physical capabilities by setting short, middle, and long-term goals to ensure their visions comes true. To reach an elite level, players need to become “efficient” and “aware”. The elite level players are very well versed in multiple areas and don’t only work hard, but work hard the right ways and in the right areas. They also understand their golf game and are very aware of what causes a missed shot versus a great shot. After initial evaluations, Joe customizes plans for each golfer to help them set realistic goals, and provides the tools, resources, education, and feedback to make sure that every minute spent training is as efficient as possible.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is the most important piece to efficient improvement, yet many players neglect to take care of this first step. From technique to performance skills, we can visually and statistically measure baselines and track a player’s improvement. Joe reviews short, middle, and long-term goals with the players frequently to ensure each are being challenged appropriately and progressing forward.

Technical Development

Technical skill development is essential to reach a peak level in your golf game. Each golfer must use each club efficiently for the different type of situations that arise on the course. This would mean that they need a repeatable/predictable swing that will hit the golf ball a reasonable distance with accuracy. The amount of technical development implemented in the coaching depends on the skill level and physical attributes of each golfer.

Swing Philosophy

Joe’s goal with coaching is to have his students rely less and less on him and work towards becoming their own coach. Every golfer needs to be able to self-diagnose pieces of their game so they know what they can change or alter when they are on the course or playing in a competitive situation. Joe’s players are all educated on their tendencies and “why” the ball is reacting the way it is based on their golf swing.

Mental Awareness

Golf is a game where we need to have very clear and decisive thoughts so that the mind can efficiently control the body to execute a desired thought. Teaching golfers when to focus internally vs. externally is a large piece to reaching a peak level. Joe bridges mental training from the practice tee to the course so that each player is thinking and training the same way they play on the course, every single round.